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News» {{qctrl.question.primary_project.name}}

Ryan Beck Joins the Team!

by christian {{qctrl.question.publish_time | dateStr}} Edited on {{qctrl.question.edited_time | dateStr}} {{"estimatedReadingTime" | translate:({minutes: qctrl.question.estimateReadingTime()})}}
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  • We're thrilled to announce that Ryan Beck has joined the team as our new Forecasting Program Coordinator!

    Ryan is currently pitching in on the White Hat Tournament and has already contributed to some exciting upcoming initiatives we look forward to sharing with you soon. In this role he'll also help us manage the healthy growth and development of our forecasting community, while facilitating online meetups that bring us together.

    He's a seasoned member of the forecasting community with nearly 4000 Metaculus predictions and over 1300 comments under his belt. He's a veteran of Metaculus question moderation, has contributed multiple essays to the Metaculus Journal, and even won our first Fortified Essay contest with his piece "Reducing Nuclear Risk Through Improved US-China Relations".

    Previously Ryan worked as a bridge engineer and has been a writer of short- and long-form science fiction. He's especially interested in forecasting questions focused on technology, science, and politics.

    Ryan has been an invaluable member of our community, and we can't wait to see the myriad ways he will continue to push forecasting forward.

    Welcome, Ryan!

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