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News» {{qctrl.question.primary_project.name}}

Now You Can Share & Embed All Question Types

by christian {{qctrl.question.publish_time | dateStr}} Edited on {{qctrl.question.edited_time | dateStr}} {{"estimatedReadingTime" | translate:({minutes: qctrl.question.estimateReadingTime()})}}
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  • Now you can share and embed all question types, including question groups without fan graphs and all conditionals. Simply paste a question URL on your social platform of choice to generate a preview image:


    You can also paste URLs to embed plots on Substack and on the Effective Altruism Forum:


    Read more below for instructions on embedding questions.

    Enhanced Embeds [June 1, 2023]

    Share and discuss more forecasts in more places with flexible embeds and preview images.

    Do you want to share interactive Metaculus forecasts on your website or blog? You can, with embedded customizable forecasts that now support all question types.

    Embeds can help you:

    • Add needed context to a discussion.
    • Invite more people into the forecasting conversation and encourage them to share their probabilities.
    • Bring clarity to the relationships between events using conditional pairs.

    Previously, embedding was only supported for binary and continuous questions. Now Question Groups (that feature fan graphs), Conditional Binary Questions, and Conditional Continuous Questions can be embedded too—and all with a consistent look and feel that matches question pages:

    (👆 That's right: You can embed forecasts on Metaculus pages too.)

    Get Started

    Navigate to a question and click the 'Embed' button at the top of the page.

    In the Embed interface, select either Default (Dark) or Light theme. Customize the height and width as needed, and copy the iframe html for pasting into your own page.


    Improved Previews

    We've also made it easier to share forecast preview images, with more question types on platforms like Substack, Twitter, Slack, and Facebook.

    Just paste the question URL to generate a preview of the forecast plot on any platform that supports them.


    Note that sometimes, a platform may fail to load a preview image for some questions. We are investigating potential solutions, though this is largely due to how the platform caches images and is outside our control.

    Start Sharing Today

    We can't wait to see how you harness these new tools to spark more constructive, more grounded discussions of today's most important topics!

    We'd love to hear your feedback on the new embeds and image previews. How are you using them? How can we make them even better? Let us know in the comments below!

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