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News» {{qctrl.question.primary_project.name}}

Spring 2022 Moderator Election

by Sylvain {{qctrl.question.publish_time | dateStr}} Edited on {{qctrl.question.edited_time | dateStr}} {{"estimatedReadingTime" | translate:({minutes: qctrl.question.estimateReadingTime()})}}
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  • Metaculus is still growing. New users and veterans have been busy making impressive predictions, having constructive conversations, and submitting ever more great questions.

    To support all this, it's time we recruited some more volunteer moderators, which means it's election time!

    To avoid clogging the comment section, please leave feedback and ask questions in the General Discussion Thread. You can also ask questions to current moderators in this thread.

    Past elections can be found here.

    Election Rules

    1. Any user who thinks they would make a good Metaculus Community Moderator™, should make a top-level comment below. Please start the comment with the line: # [username] Candidacy, which should produce a formatted title. Please include a short explanation of your motivations, and what would make you a good moderator. (See the example candidacy.)

    2. Other users are encouraged to ask candidates questions in replies, and upvote the candidacy if they want.

    3. On 2022-05-03, a list of candidates will be generated by taking all contenders with a score ≥ 8 on their top-level comment.

    4. All eligible Metaculus users will be invited to vote. Only users who were at least level 2 when this post was published will be eligible.

    5. The voting will stay open a week (until 2022-05-10 23:59:59 UTC), and the results will be published the next day.

    6. We will use approval voting. Each voter can approve any number of candidates.

    7. Any candidate with an approval above 80% will be elected.

    8. The position has no fixed term, but every 6 months we'll review the current team. Moderators who have gone inactive will become Retired Moderators (see below).

    Important note: Metaculus reserves the right to veto any candidate for any reason. We want these elections to be about and for the community, so we will be very careful with this power, and sincerely hope we won't need it, now or ever.

    About Moderators

    A reminder of who and what Metaculus moderators are, taken from our guidelines:

    Metaculus Community Moderators are committed members of the community who volunteer to help the platform run smoothly. We greatly appreciate their time and talents, and we hope you’ll do the same!

    The main responsibilities of Community Moderators include:

    1. Providing constructive feedback on user-submitted questions, including asking for revisions when necessary.
    2. Accepting community-suggested questions that are ready to go live for forecasting.
    3. Mediating discussions about question resolutions.
    4. Answering users’ questions about how the platform works, when they arise.

    Additionally, Community Moderators can help draw extra attention to bugs, feature requests, or other issues that affect the platform. Community Moderators are appointed democratically, by way of election.

    In past elections, moderators were appointed for life. This was fine in the beginning, but we now have more inactive moderators than active ones! New moderators will still not have any term limit, but every six months Metaculus Administrators will review the current team, and moderators who went inactive will become Retired Moderators (we might even make them a special badge!).

    I'll reiterate something that was asked in previous elections: moderators are volunteers, i.e. regular users who contribute a couple hours of their Metaculus time each week to help make this place even better.

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