Global Pulse Tournament

prize pool$1,000
Start DateDec 1, 2023
End DateJun 11, 2024

Welcome to the Global Pulse Tournament, an exciting research project developed in collaboration with Dr. Philipp Schoenegger, Associate Professor Barbara Fasolo, and Associate Professor Matteo Galizzi at the Behavioural Lab at the London School of Economics. Your forecasts on global topics ranging from US politics and European energy prices to conflicts in the Middle East and the latest large language models are key research inputs in this endeavor, and we look forward to sharing more details when the research concludes.

We will award $1000 in prizes to the most accurate forecasters and five $100 prizes to the most insightful commenters.

This tournament is run in cooperation with the Behavioural Lab at the London School of Economics. By participating in this tournament, you consent to having the anonymized aggregate forecasts of this tournament used for further academic research.

Commenting Prize

Five $100 commenting prizes go to comments submitted before the closing date of February 29, 2024. In March, 2024, three Metaculus Administrators will independently review and rate all tournament comments using a 10-point scale. Aggregate ratings will determine the top five.

Participants can win multiple prizes. Comments must satisfy at least one of these sets of criteria:

  • The comment is well-reasoned, clearly written, and provides valuable information.
  • The comment identifies mistakes in the community’s reasoning or clearly explains why the author’s forecast differs from the community’s.

Tournament Scoring

The forecasting period is three months, with the questions closing February 29th, 2024. Questions will resolve three months later, in early June, 2024. The Community Prediction is hidden in the tournament’s first month and public afterward. The coverage weight is set to 50%: 50% of a forecaster’s coverage is determined during the hidden period.
