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News» {{qctrl.question.primary_project.name}}

🧭 Find Forecasts Faster With Our New Sidebar

by christian • {{qctrl.question.publish_time | dateStr}} • Edited on {{qctrl.question.edited_time | dateStr}} • {{"estimatedReadingTime" | translate:({minutes: qctrl.question.estimateReadingTime()})}}
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  • Metaculus features over 8,000 forecast questions. We’ve introduced a new sidebar to make it easy to find and focus on the ones you care about most.


    Click narrower news topics like ‘2024 US Elections’ or broader question categories like ‘Distant Future’ to filter your question feed and get started.

    After making your selection, you can further refine your search using the sort and filter options.

    We’ve launched the sidebar with a small set of timely topics and popular categories — including a ‘Top 50’ featuring some of the most critical questions on Metaculus — but we expect to add more options and more opportunities for personalization in the future.

    What else would you like to see on the sidebar? Let us know below!

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