
This page shows the obsolete contests. They were superseded in April 2021 by Tournaments.

Contest Start End Questions
Forecasting AI Progress — Bayes Prize Leaderboard Dec 13, 2020 Apr 16, 2021 81
Consensus Forecasting . . .
Li Wenliang Forecasting Tournament I Feb 17, 2020 Jun 17, 2020 52
Li Wenliang Tournament 2 . . .
Covid-19 Tournament Round 2 . . .
Cryptocurrency Prediction Contest Sep 14, 2017 Dec 1, 2017 24
Forecasting AI Progress — Deep Learning Round Feb 13, 2021 Apr 16, 2021 30
El Paso Series . . .
COVID-19 Lightning Round Tournament [first tournament] . . .
COVID-19 Lightning Round Tournament [second tournament] . . .
Foresight 2020 contest Oct 14, 2019 Oct 31, 2020 13
Forecasting AI Progress — Hill Climbing Round Jan 13, 2021 Mar 15, 2021 29
Lockdown Tournament . . .
Forecasting AI Progress — Maximum Likelihood Round Dec 9, 2020 Jun 15, 2021 29
Road to recovery Oct 1, 2020 Feb 28, 2021 16
Salk Tournament . . .

Metaculus is excited to organise the Salk Tournament, a forecasting tournament for SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine R&D predictions.

Our aim is to generate the most accurate publicly available predictions on the research and development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.

In addition to the reputation benefits you will accrue for out-predicting the crowd, we will award prizes to each of the top four predictors:

Happy predicting!

Click here for more information.

Rank Player Points Questions
1 elifland 584 22
2 Cory 545 22
3 Vang 529 23
4 PepeS 483 23
5 JonathanShi 372 22
6 datscilly 358 20
7 SimonM 350 16
8 Jgalt 328 22
9 beala 328 14
10 jack 310 19
11 PeterWildeford 290 9
12 alexrjl 278 18
13 mattvdm 261 10
14 AvrahamEisenberg 246 6
15 Reprisal 244 19
16 2e10e122 230 8
17 toby_wan-kenoby 224 15
18 isaacdunn 221 9
19 Charles 218 5
20 alexlyzhov 214 15
21 james.jj.barry 205 11
22 Bob_Jacobs 205 10
23 qassiov 203 16
24 foo 200 10
25 RuslanBes 193 4
26 lars3loff 188 6
27 krtnu 179 15
28 Bernhard 176 8
29 berekuk 172 3
30 steven0461 163 5
31 EvanHarper 158 8
32 citizen 158 5
33 NeelNanda 150 3
34 ethulin 149 5
35 HadiKhan 148 4
36 chipsie 146 3
37 Natalia_Mendonca 145 3
38 taskaryan 140 4
39 biekko 139 3
40 Alexander230 136 6
41 metani 136 3
42 chrisknight1104 132 2
43 isinlor 131 8
44 Hayes 129 5
45 alexlitz 128 4
46 BrianGoodrich 126 3
47 JAJMLP 123 4
48 faz 118 4
49 fLienert 116 12
50 arun2642 111 4
51 aeeeeee 109 6
52 nextbigfuture 105 6
53 richardson.andrew 105 3
54 farnsworth 104 15
55 nostream 103 2
56 Jotto 96 2
57 galen 95 4
58 atalexander1 94 1
59 cos 93 10
60 niplav 91 3
61 Lorxus 89 2
62 TeeJayKay 89 5
63 ItsRyan 87 3
64 magfrump 86 3
65 minnow_beacon 85 3
66 MaciekK 85 4
67 zjs 84 2
68 eidanjacob 84 2
69 oakley.wall 83 2
70 lampinwoon 83 1
71 femi_lab 83 1
72 Matthew_Barnett 83 2
73 durbanus 82 1
74 palcu 81 1
75 traviswfisher 79 6
76 Sergio 79 3
77 AloanCloud 78 2
78 Linch 77 5
79 funashi 77 2
80 chris.j.cundy 77 3
81 mavrande 76 3
82 zc 76 2
83 Pazzaz 75 12
84 Nichevo 75 11
85 thezvi 74 1
86 adamsome 71 1
87 MidnightRaver 71 1
88 joanofjoy 71 1
89 AngraMainyu 70 3
90 olliebase22 70 3
91 NathanpmYoung 70 2
92 j 70 2
93 dantilkin 70 1
94 pagouy 69 2
95 isaac.norwich 69 1
96 Jess-Kinchen-Smith 68 3
97 beisenpress 68 1
98 billmo 68 1
99 borromini 67 4
100 Jrob6122 67 2